Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I am back... again, sorry

Ok, so I have a couple of ideas that I am going to do.  1st, a mega fake like one of my favorite fakers wake5 did...  In the comments, tell me any requests you have for it, some may be faked, some may not, but I am thinking of somewhere between 10-20 different people on ONE HD fake.

Second, I have a huge collection of fakes, still growing, that ARE NOT mine, so, after I finish, and organize it, I will upload it somewhere with a link for you to download it, and you can go through all of my collection.  If you have a fake I do not have, you can email me it, and for every 5 fakes you send me that I didn't already have, of people I actually want, I will make you a fake.  If you find a website full of fakes, I will give you anywhere from 5-10 fakes.  This will not be happening right now, but I will let you know more when it's done.

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